Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chapter review and future predictions


I didn't even know that Hodi could change so drastically. However I doubt that Hodi has long to live, assuming that the drug's side effects acted more as a aging accelerant, what we are looking at would likely be just a much older version of Hodi (that's makes most sense right now). As for his power, well we'll just say that the pills did they're job, however since it isn't Hodi's own power who's to say that the effects of the drugs boosting Hodi's power won't decrease over time anyway (just a thought) thus Hodi would need to take more pills just to keep up his power, however that would only speed up the side effects to a much more drastic level. Now if Oda wanted to make Hodi some sort of super villan that Luffy is going to have to face in order to help us know the level of Luffy's power that would be great, I mean we haven't gotten a good comparison to help us understand how strong Luffy has gotten over the two year skip, we know he's more than capable of taking on a pacifista alone easily, which before it would take him and his entire crew and their best struggling effort in order to just defeat one of the Pacifistas.

Well, also what would people think of future predictions? I've asked a couple of friends and relatives who read this manga and gave me their opinions.

1. Jimbei joins the Strawhats after the defeat of Hodi, or the fight between Hodi and Luffy destroyes the island forcing Jimbei to travel with Luffy.

Now while this is a possibility, if Fishman Island does become destroyed due to the intense fighting, it would stand to reason that Jimbei would have to stay with the Fishmen and mermaids more to keep them safe. So the possibility of this is more or less debatable.

2. Luffy's fight with Hodi doesn't destroy the island, and is forced to fight the swamp guy which is what really causes damage to the island

Not my prediction its a friend's prediction.

3. Luffy defeats Hodi but is forced to leave the island because of the damage, and ends up taking the swamp guy with him, with or without the mermaids he captured to sell.

Again not my prediction, not to mention extremely unlikely.

4. Luffy defeats Hodi, but the damage done to fishmen island is so extreme that the whole Island has to be abandoned, Luffy is forced to take as many survivors as he can with them, while the swamp guy forced under Luffy's influence releases the mermaids he caught to "relieve" some grief.

Not likely but it's a prediction

Well that's the best I have for now, I haven't been able to come up with any exciting immediate predictions. All I have right now is this.

- Luffy and Jimbei set aside differences to take down Hodi together, however Luffy agrees to let Jimbei be the one to fight Hodi first under the impression that Jimbei is still much more than capable of taking on Hodi no problem.

- Luffy goes to save his comrades who are waiting rather unconcerned for their situation. Jimbei in the mean time goes to back up the three royal sons, or rescue them because they were over powered by Hodi.

- Luffy struggles a bit to get his comrades out but does it with little to no problem due to lack of good opponents to fight. They head back towards the plaza to watch Jimbei repair the damage that Hodi made. However when they get there, Jimbei is either defeated or badly wounded with Hodi unscathed, or slightly out of breath with a couple of scratches.

- Luffy is forced to fight Hodi to save Jimbei, and protect the Mermaids, and mermen from Hodi's slaughter, while Hodi is on the effects of the drugs he and Luffy are evenly matched however when the effects of the drugs wear off, Hodi "Crashes" persay as he hits a withdrawal phase of addiction to the drugs.

- Hodi finally defeated Luffy then turns his attention to the Swamp guy who threatens to take Luffy's head while he is weakened, however Luffy easily defeats Caribou (the swamp guy if anyone forgot), and forces him to free the mermaids (let's face it they have to be freed sooner or later). However Luffy is forced to use a significant amount of Haki to end the fight quickly which knocks a number of the Fishman Island residents become unconcious which ironically happens to be what the fortune teller glimpsed at in the future. Not Luffy destroying the island, but Luffy just knocking A LOT of merfolk out (and was just overdramatized by the fortune tellers paranoid imagination).

Alright that's my predictions people, enjoy and remember all comments are welcome and I will try to commit to getting the comments filtered through faster when the system seems to have a problem with the comments (for some unexplainable reason).