Beards Categories
Musketeer (Frazer Coppin; UK)

Chinese (Ted Sedman; UK)

Imperial (Karl-Heinz Hille; Germany)

Natural Goatee (Marty Gerhinger; USA)

Partial Beard Freestyle (Wili Chevalier; Germany)

Sideburns Freestyle (Jurgen Burkhardt; Germany)

Full Beards - Gaeibaldi (Franz-Peter Pill; Germany)

Full Beards - Verdi (Durmus Sensoy; Germany)

Full Beards Freestyle (Elmar Weisser; Germany)

Natural Full Beards (Jack Passion; USA)

Natural Full Beards With Styled Noustache (Burke Kenny; USA)

Moustache Categories
Dali Moustache (Max Pankor; Germany)

English Moustache (Georg Lutz; Germany)

Hungarian Moustache (Gunter Rosin; Germany)

Imperial Moustache (Alexander Antebi; USA)

Moustache Freestyle (Keith J Haubrich; USA)

Natural Moustache (Paul Lewis; UK )

Musketeer (Frazer Coppin; UK)
Chinese (Ted Sedman; UK)

Imperial (Karl-Heinz Hille; Germany)

Natural Goatee (Marty Gerhinger; USA)

Partial Beard Freestyle (Wili Chevalier; Germany)

Sideburns Freestyle (Jurgen Burkhardt; Germany)

Full Beards - Gaeibaldi (Franz-Peter Pill; Germany)

Full Beards - Verdi (Durmus Sensoy; Germany)

Full Beards Freestyle (Elmar Weisser; Germany)

Natural Full Beards (Jack Passion; USA)

Natural Full Beards With Styled Noustache (Burke Kenny; USA)

Moustache Categories
Dali Moustache (Max Pankor; Germany)

English Moustache (Georg Lutz; Germany)

Hungarian Moustache (Gunter Rosin; Germany)
Imperial Moustache (Alexander Antebi; USA)
Moustache Freestyle (Keith J Haubrich; USA)

Natural Moustache (Paul Lewis; UK )