Friday, January 14, 2011
bridge piercing pictures
#Submit #bridge piercing #submission
my new bridge piercing
what piercing (that you can see) do you like the best?
Infobox Piercing name = Bridge piercing surface………………………$40.
Tokushi Fox Bridge Piercing Pack {Feral +
KZK Dragon Bridge Piercing Pack
Piercing(s): ears three times, bottom lip and bridge of nose
Posted June 5, 2010 at 12:00am in piercings lip septum stretched ears
Bridge piercing by Southside Tattoo & Piercing
Other: bridge piercing, eyebrows and lips Pictures, Images and Photos
Posted August 20, 2010 at 4:00pm in lip piercing bridge piercing ear
Bridge Piercing !
your best facial features, such as; eyebrow, cheek and bridge piercings.
(barely wears bridge piercing and doesn't have septum piercing)
(like This) He's got four bars in each ear a bridge piercing and four
Posted December 13, 2010 at 6:34am in bridge piercing lip piercings | 8
Tokushi Fox Bridge Piercing
Posted June 7, 2010 at 12:16pm in bridge piercing | 31 notes
Bridge Piercing 2. Body piercing. Image by EMiManchiTu
nose ring is gone but there's a bridge piercing still under the glasses)